16 april 2020
1 min

How to protect crops from seasonal diseases

How to protect crops from seasonal diseases

On 15 April the experts of NJSC "Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S.Seyfullin", as well as "Scientific Production Center of Grain Farming named after A.I.Barayev" LLP held online seminar on "Creation of conditions for quality sowing of seeds in the system of precision farming".

In the course of the thematic online conference, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Plant Protection Expert Bekmyrza Sadykov voiced his forecast on diseases of grain crops in 2020, as well as gave his recommendations on the protection of the future harvest.

Each year, grain crops are affected by several types of diseases. While last year the development of fungal diseases, including septoriosis, rust and helminthiosporiosis, stopped during hot weather, the autumn and winter weather events created favorable conditions for these diseases to develop again in 2020. Therefore, based on the weather conditions in 2020, strong development of septoriasis, spotting, rust and root rot is expected. Agricultural and chemical measures can protect their crops from these diseases.

Agronomic control measures include maintaining crop rotations, timely cultivation, and maintaining sowing schedules and norms. All this affects the development of diseases. If the seeds are planted very deeply, they consequently rise very late, causing diseases to occur. Optimum sowing times and balanced fertilizer doses are needed.

In recent years in Kazakhstan zero technology of cultivation of agricultural crops is very widely used, which leaves plant residues in the fields. This technology has created great difficulties in terms of plant protection from diseases and pests. Stern and plant residues, which lie in the fields since autumn, are accumulators of fungal infection. Whereas previously the first signs of diseases appeared closer to irrigation, today these diseases are already visible in the thawing phase. This indicates that there is a large stock of infection, both in seeds and in plant residues.

Since zero cultivation technology is used, it means that the seeds must be treated with special means. In 2020, farmers must have fungicidal stock for two treatments. The first one should be done in the tillering phase. During this period, tank mixes can be used to save money. The second treatment should be carried out in the phase of flag leaf formation and earing. Flag leaf is 70% of the crop formation. If it is not preserved, it is practically possible to lose up to 50-60% of the harvest. This is the forecast for this year.

It should be noted that before treatment seeds should be cleaned from dust and dirt, because their presence significantly reduces the efficiency of the procedures. Treatment should be done 3-4-5 days before sowing.


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